Finding God

Bringing God To The World

God is here! As you grow in this, we will be moving out into the world. Many will be exposed to God in the near future. As God and awareness of God expands among all living forms, our range of travel will increase.

Your only duty is to remain in God as we move you about.

Demonstrating God

Demonstrating God is simply a matter of maintaining contact with God. As long as there is contact, God can easily and effortlessly demonstrate to others.

Maintaining God Contact

Maintaining strong contact with God is challenging when around others. To do this, it is necessary to maintain an inward focus. The primary focus is inward and on God. Outer activity must be secondary for the most part.

Feeling God will quickly restore God–contact if it has been lost.

Maintaining The Depths Achieved

In the vast open spaces of God's creation it is easy to become lost, disoriented or uncertain of one's progress. In order to maintain steady progress toward the center, toward the primordial light, the following methods and tips may be relied on:

Scanning for the primordial light. This will help locate the source from which it comes forth.
This can connect with the Original Source for feeling navigation.
Simple knowing will reveal the location and path to the goal.
The sure–fire way to know.

Drifting and loss of momentum can be avoided by daily meditation on God.

Seeing God In All

Once God is encountered in conscious awareness, once you realize that you have entered the Great Mystery, You can begin to see God in all of life. Every form is a unique expression of God. This is an experience beyound mentation. It is a visceral experience, a knowing beyond any mental reasoning or construct. All thought of comparison has vanished. The wild truth is being experienced in each moment.

This step is the beginning of a great journey into bliss consciousness and the exposition of many mysteries.

The Path

The path which leads to God–realization has many twists and turns. It is fraught with endless clearing and reorientation to life. It is a journey much like the iron in a blacksmith's forge on its way to becoming a sword. The beginning and the end states are radically different.

Navigation on the path is mostly feeling, inner knowing. It requires patience, determination and surrender.

What Is God

The statement evokes images which fade away into a mystery. The knowable which cannot be contained or understood. The source of all is everywhere and everything. To know God is to dissolve into the ocean of all phenomena and allow all of it to flow through self with no restriction. The human mind cannot grasp any of this. Heart–centered knowing reveals all.

The journey into God begins with diving into the ocean of spirit awareness.

When God Arrives

The arrival of God into human conscious awareness is heralded by any number of signs:

  1. Sleeplessness
  2. Increased energy in the body
  3. Light displays
  4. High–level thought flows.

Energetic displays of light, heat, sound and kinesthetic exhilaration are signals that God–contact is happening. As these flows bring deeper awareness of the Original Source, new phenomena may appear along the way. These include telepathic rapport, intimate visioning and electric control of the physical environment. The journey goes on.