
Assessing The Need

The basis of self–empowerment is learning to take care of yourself. This opens the door to personal process which is your relationship with God. A clear relationship brings great clarity and gives access to all resources in your spirit origin. Keeping your personal process current and clear is the goal and a threshold to spirit work and freedom. First steps in this direction begin with learning how to assess the condition and what is needed in your process. This is something each person must work out for themselves. Some general areas of discovery for many include:

This is a constant need for growth and any kind of inner work. The spirit body must be cleared when wound materials are activated or released. The auric field must be cleared of non–self energies. Generally, it is best to only clear energies which are released into the spirit body. Poking around in the unconscious for things to clear is dangerous and not recommended. Life will release what is safe and ready to clear. Clearing is done with feeling. Keeping yourself clear is the fastest way to move ahead on your personal path into the light.
The heart chakra is the place where all communication and relating are focused. The goal is to keep the heart energies clear, open and flowing smoothly. Negative emotions, fear and shame act to close down the heart center. Feeling and letting go are useful in keeping the heart open.
Fear, pain and sorrow can cause a revulsion to being embodied and result in becoming ungrounded in life. In addition to discovering what is causing a loss of groundedness, there are techniques for energetically grounding. This is very useful for mental types and those with high sensitivity to life energies. Visualizing and feeling work well here. Also, letting go.
Connection to the father is essential for smooth progress toward your ascension. This you must discover through trial and practice. Feeling is a strong way to connect with the father. Voice, hearing, is less sturdy and requires care in remaining clear. Vision is robust and very reliable. Knowing is a great way to remain in connection with the father. It often requires a good deal of effort to develop.
Aligning with the father allows for maximum energy flows in your chosen field of service. Generally, check and correct alignment with feeling.
Sovereignty is best checked with vision which will expose non–self energies embedded in your spirit body. This is becoming increasingly important/necessary as the divide between light and dark deepens. Simply ask your helpers to remove and deal with what you find.

Checking in with your field, spirit body and how your energies are flowing is the area of learning which will begin exposing where your work is. Practice and be curious about what you find.


Awakening is an artform of increasing personal awareness as a way of life. Awakening begins early and is managed by life until the teen years. Later, awakening is often haphazard and chaotic. It can become a cyclical deepening into greater depths of awareness by the action of focused desire over time.

A conundrum of awakening is: awakening to what? During the early years in life, when nature takes care of the awakening, we begin by learning how to be physical. Our caretakers must change our pants as the unconscious activities of elimination carry on. Later, a white bowl in a special room is brought to our attention and we notice that the contents of our diapers seem to go there. Then comes the day when we feel movement just before discharge and notice that we may have some forewarning of what is about to happen. Then the white bowl and the sensation unite as we figure out what to do which brings great joy to the caregivers.

This is the pattern. The bowel movements were unconscious and happening even though we were unaware. This is what happens in awakening. Unconscious process slowly become conscious – we become aware of things that have always been going on. Now, with the new awareness, we are able to incorporate them into a more conscious way of living.

When life is approached with a desire to awaken, to grow in awareness of what goes on within self, several things begin to happen:

Humility arises
With an open and eager attitude toward change, the awareness of not knowing arises and begins to dissolve hubris. The idea that anything is possible relaxes defenses and softens intensity.
A curious approach to life opens
Wondering what is possible overtakes fears of change and leads to a softer stance toward death.
Change arises in waves
A rhythmic wavelike dance becomes established as unconscious contents slowly emerge into conscious awareness.
Disharmony and sickness recede
The need to withdraw in episodes of illness or discomfort disappear and a more steady rhythm of harmony arises. Riding the currents supplants crash and burn episodes.

The deeper you go, the bigger you get. The magic of sleep realigns everything so changes are integrated on a regular basis. It is like walking up a hill, step after step. Soon we notice that the scenery is slowly changing. Awakening gently brings what you are into focus, out of the haze of delusion and glamour.


The primary means of moving through obstacles on the inward journey is clearing. This is the conscious letting go and feeling through all negativity as it appears. Life will queue up what is ready to be cleared — all you need to do is to recognize its presence in your spirit body and clear it.

Developing good clearing skills will keep you on track and moving ahead smoothly on your journey.


Continuity makes the inner journey easier in two respects. The first is to make a regular habit of clearing and inner discovery. The habit will strengthen the energies that drive your process forward and you will discover a rhythm to it. The second is in the buildup of a forward inertia in the progress you make. This helps when you arrive at a difficult transition, eg, an obstacle that seems large or deeply entrenched. The inertia of your forward momentum can carry you through these more quickly and with greater ease than if your inner progress were haphazard or chaotic.

Regular practice makes for a strong and durable process of advancement inward.


One of the principal means of turning inward is the process of discovery. In this you open your self to what is is within you. This will take you deep within over time and allow you to find many things. The first will be a layer of negativity which is all that you have experienced and held in denial in this life. This must be cleared with feeling before you can penetrate deeper. Below this you begin to contact your personal deepest truth. Other things you may find along the way are resources, wounds and karmic restraints.

Discovery is a journey inward.


Faith is needed in the attempt to break free of the oppression of denial and glamour. Breaking free is like struggling underwater at night, trying to find which way is up. Only faith in self, life and the father can buoy you up from the depths of despair and entanglement in the detritus of denial.

Faith in the father will lead you out of the darkness.


This state arrives when you have contacted the father and begun navigating deeper into it. The father is the father of your origin, where your high self, which created you, was created and lives. Contacting the father and continuing the endless journey inward is the process of ascension. All that you attain in this journey is permanent and goes with you at death.

Finality is the goal for beginning the inward journey.

Finding Fault

One of the principal negative blocks to easy and effortless progress into self is the western habit of finding fault with the mind. This defeats much of the input from helpers to support your growth. Abandon this pernicious habit for faster growth into the light.

All that you perceive is you, projected into the light of reality.


To access the help that is available requires that you know it exists and will be given for the asking. As you ask, you shall reeceive. Guidance is another essential for escaping from ignorance and self–neglect.

You are at all times supplied with all you will ever need to ascend. All you need do is reach out for it and apply what you get as it comes.


There are many helpers available to assist and support you in your journey to self–empowerment. Simply ask for what you need and they will respond. They can help with clearing, identifying things that block your progress, naming wounds and showing how they are triggered and limit you, and especially, how to heal them. They can decode your dreams and suggest new methods for moving about on the inward journey.

Developing a relationship with your helpers makes the journey much easier.


Lightness in being is another pointer into ease on the path to freedom and inner sanctity, necessary conditions for survival. Not taking anything too seriously is helpful in flowing smoothly with the many changes that present themselves during the journey. Light–heartedness and forgiveness are helpful to cultivate in this.


The motivation to move is found within. Our culture is approaching a state of self–disintegration. This will bring an end to peace and safety. Once this happens you will be left on your own to create your reality from within. If you have not gained proficiency in doing this you will be lost, you will not survive. To avoid this you must turn inward and begin the climb into awareness. Wanting it is the first step. This will have the effect of turning a boat upstream to face the current.

The chief motivation must be to survive the coming changes. It is up to you to find this within self.


Extricating yourself from the clutches of living in denial of self and reality is an intense and lengthy process. Above all it requires persistence. You must work at it every day and as much as possible during each day and night. Awakening takes a lot of effort yet every step you take in it is a step toward freedom, like a foothold in climbing a mountain.

Constant effort is required to attain freedom from the quagmire of denial.

Recording Progress

An aid in the journey is to keep a record of your progress. This makes it easy to see the changes you have been through and to keep up with changes in your process, viz, the things you do to keep a strong connection with the father and to remain clear.


As you move along on your journey toward freedom there will appear cycles of change. One of these cycles is crashing in which everything seems lost and advance seems hopeless. The way to quickly recover from the low point of this cycle, viz, the crash, is to feel for the father and continue feeling until you surface again. These interludes are usually a large vibration change accompanied by a substantial release of negativity. It is like having your boat swamped by a big wave, Feeling is the bail bucket.

Mastering your cycles is part of the journey.


There are a great many resources in the spirit origin from which you have come. You can access these as needed. Ask your helpers for what you need. They will provide what you ask for or show you how to obtain it yourself.

A lot of help is available.


Responsibility is how you respond to what's going on within self and in your connection with the father. Everything is within. Looking outside of self for causes takes away the needed focus for moving ahead. Although things in the environment may affect you, your only control in moving ahead on your path is inside self.

Being responsible in spirit living and work means to look within for all that is needed.


Self includes the personality and all that you can be or have been aware of in this life. It is a work in progress. Growth takes place in the unconscious and conscious growth is the entry into the unconscious, experiencing and claiming what you have opened up. This process expands self. There is no limit to this process. Your desire for freedom is the engine that moves you through this.

Self must reach your origin father in order to survive the coming changes.


Success in the process of turning inward is when you clear everything in the way of becoming self–empowered. To be self–empowered means you are creating your life moment–to–moment versus being driven by outer events, forces and glamours or by inner fears, wounds and negativity. You have become a sovereign and self–creative spiritual being in physical incarnation.

This requires daily attention and perseverance.

Tally The Cost

As you begin the work of extricating yourself from the depths of denial and self–neglect, be certain to notice the changes which follow after each step toward the light of truth. As you observe the changes, subtle at first, then stronger, allow these to spur you on along the path to liberation.

Use what you have gained in this awakening process to increase your motivation and zeal.

The Call

The first call has gone out. Time to clear the decks and prepare for the showdown. See to your survival of what is to come: the dissolution of what we have come to rely on for our sanctity and safety. It is time to act, to do what you need to do to ensure your survival during the great dissolution.

A second call will herald the beginning of the end.

The End

The end of our comfortable and carefree lives is soon at hand. What we will lose during the change that lies ahead is our ability to ignore what is going on around us and in the world at large. Our inner unconscious holdings of denial and self–neglect will all be released into conscious awareness in a flash. To survive this will require a deep equanimity and trust in God. The risk of losing consciousness and leaving your body is proportional to the amount of denial that you have lived in. Turning inward and responsibly dealing with what you find is the antidote to this fatal presentation.

Unconscious living will soon be lost to all. It is time to awaken.

The Need

Self–empowerment is a necessary step into the elevator of ascension in which you begin rasising your vibration toward God. Because of the world–wide emergency which has been triggered recently, there is a growing need to rise up out of the darkness and fear which were called forth. To avoid being swept away and possibly drowning in this onslaught, it is necessary to begin moving. How you choose to do this and how intently you work at is totally up to you.

The need is great and growing.

What Resources

Resources available to you in your spirit origin are yours to access whenever you want. If you are just getting started on the inward path, you will be most interested in these:

Channeling ability
The ability to bring forth into your conscious awareness any and all information that you need. This is available for the asking. You must use this daily to bring it into solid manifestation in self.
A great many helpers are available and on call. Ask for anything you need and listen/feel within for the response. It is rapid. Trust what you get and do not be afraid to act on it.
Vast storehouses of wisdom are available for the asking. Ask and hear, see or feel.
Formulas for almost any quest are freely available. These exist in the form of teaching, advice and knowing downloads.
About anything in your life that you have done.

Many other resources may be available to you. Connect with your origin, origin father and explore for the treasures that are waiting for you. They are all yours.


Why is it necessary for self–empowerment now? We are a the end of the line in our social devolution. Everything is coming apart and soon there will descend a great chaos in our daily lives and personal experience. Survival will become a key issue for everyone. Perhaps not survival in the physical sense, certainly survival in the sense of sanity and sovereignty. Forces have built up which will soon drown everyone who has not attained liberation. This is the need now. We are at the end of the line and it is our last chance to get free. Free of what? The illusions of glamour, viz, widely accepted false ideas of reality. These serve to isolate us from truth, self and life.

Even now, the handwriting is on the wall for all who can still see to plainly read. To survive you must turn inward and discover self, truth and the father.


The human personality is built with a structure of wounds. Wounds form the basis of the personality. The path to freedom requires learning about this foundation of wounds. It requires the development of proficiency in recognizing and recovering from wound activation. This takes time and patience, to observe your experience and to identify these wounds when they become active.

Feeling coupled with dispassionate observation are useful means in this.

Your Life Is Not Your Own

Your life has become a registry of God's thought. It is a repository for the reception and expression of God's will expressed as thought. Thought energies flow into and through you as a means of life being expressed through your incarnation.

You must not take anything personally from this point forward. It's all God.