
Accessing Resources

Your new resources, quite different from your previous resources, can be easily accessed by a simple thought request. All doors stand open to you and what you ask for shall be instantly supplied for the asking.

We stand at the ready to support you with all that you need as you need it — now and always.

Aligning In The Son

Service in the Son requires a new kind of alignment. This is basically alignment in and with God, now including life as part of the overall picture. The relation of God and life can be seen as cause and effect.

Maintain this alignment for all work in the Son.

A New Round

We are entering a new round of the influx of energies from beyond the galaxy. These will assist you in the ride to your new service role as world teacher. This round will act to open the minds of mankind to the teachings that we will offer. It will dissolve resistance and the many mind traps that have imprisoned people since the dark force achieved ascendancy.

This new round will open the door to a quiet revolution in consciousness.

Becoming An Ascended Son

Having ascended to and in The Father makes you a candidate to become an Ascended Son. This constitutes a graduation into service to the creation. When you mount this path of service, certain changes appear. These require some care to properly deal with. In the beginning, many small changes will appear. Later, larger, more sweeping changes can come. For now, consider these:

Your consciousness will remain deep and go deeper
Expect to live in deep theta and gradually move into delta and on toward stillness.
Your awareness of humanity will flourish
A lot more access and details are available. You will need these in your work.
Your healing abilities will grow
Miraculous healing will become the norm. No hiding this time.
You will not need to sleep
Sleeplessness is on the horizon.
An open question — you can live in good health as long as you want.
You will need more, regular exercise. Walking is good.

Your access to resources in The Father is now greatly expanded. More to come.

Bringing In Your New Essence

Today is a day of change:

New essence
Your corestar is being replaced for your world service. We are providing greater access to elements and resources pertinent to the Eternal Son from which you will draw in your coming work. A short period of exploration will reveal what is available. As always, you will remain indissolubly connected with The Father.
New commission
Your new commission is to rescue humanity from its self–created destruction.
New ideals
Your old ideal of freedom and ascension into The Father has been richly fulfilled. Your new ideals now are:
Equality among all peoples
The essence of all people is to be held in high regard. It is time that human essences are allowed to express themselves in this world.
Fairness among all
Fairness in all things will be the new hue and cry throughout the land.
Loss of identity
Your identity is being replaced by a universal Sonship identity.

Bring in your new essence by letting go of the old and feeling to allow for the new to be installed. We'll take care of the rest.

Clearing The Dark Force

It is time to do the next major cleanup chore: we are going to eliminate the dark force which has ruled this planet for eons. This will be a simple task now that you are a Son. Helpers are ready and standing by for the call. We will simply direct that it be removed to Trinity Counsel and the rest will be taken care of by the helpers and by God.

This hour was ordained for this long ago. The requirements for meeting this moment included:

  1. God must walk the earth again in body
  2. The light of reality nust be present on the planet for any and all to see
  3. A Son, fully liberated from physical incarnation must be present on earth
  4. An ascension path must stand ready to receive any and all who ask for it.

Simply ask that the dark force be removed from earth and its inhabitants; then feel to completion.

Counting The Cost

You are embarking on a path of service which will require everything you are and have accomplished in life. There can be no holding back. Your commission demands full participation in all that is to come and full contact with all that comes your way.

This is irrevocable.

Forming The Base

The base of operations as a Son in the service of the Eternal Son is threefold:

Deep connection into God
The Son is rooted in God and all work must issue forth from God and through the Son. There are no shortcuts.
Outer connection into life
Connection with life is the path of the service. It is a channel from God to life and all of its expressions. Inner to outer.
Devotion to the task at hand
The attunement and efficacy of service all thrive when there is devotion for the service. Devotion is the engine which propels the love and light of God toward the creation, life.

Maintaining this base is the foundation of Sonship. It constitutes your new process.

Grounding The Change

Your change is nearing completion: becoming a World Savior. Many things are in motion and some are beginning to settle. To facilitate the coming together we will need to ground you in the new reality. To do this, let go and feel. We will make the adjustments.

We will need several rounds of this today. Patience will see you through.

I Am He

I am the way to God–realization. It is through me that you will know God. The way that your heart longs to know God is through me.

Today we start the journey to God. We call it Sonship.

Living As A Son

As a Son you are primarily a member of terrestrial life. Also, you happen to be in the condition of God–union. The physical reality now supercedes the spirit condition. The spiritual state lies within and below the terrestrial condition, connection and reality – just as it exists in the unconscious of humanity. The difference is that yours is now fully conscious.

Cultivate this perspective and soon it will all fall into place. Then we can move on.

Looking Ahead

Your next several weeks (~18Mar22) will be a blur of activity. Many things will need your attention and you will have little quiet, alone time. Make the most of this by wholeheartedly responding to the need. This will bring many things forward from within.

It is a time of outward expansion.

Moving Ahead

We are finished with the preparatory work now and it is time to go ahead. The next few steps are:

  1. Receive new capacity
  2. Open into a new field of service
  3. Receive an enlivening.

When this is complete we will see you off to the next round.

Moving Along

On the Sonship path things move a little differently than with The Father. Some differences that will affect you:

Information is given freely
You do not have to seek information or open space with feeling.
You do not have to clear
Clearing is not required; Sons remain clear at all times. Your sovereignty is guaranteed.
The future is visible
All is available for the asking. The Sonship is a path laid out through the mystery.

Sonship is more about service and less about growth.

Sonship is vast and working toward the perfection of the creation.

Next Round

Your next round will be building a foundation for your new world service role as world savior. Begin this as we now hand you over to the Foundation Son. We will chime in from time to time with more ascension information and perspectives, as needed.

You are on your way to all that you have hoped for in this life.

Our Goal

We are entering the earth with a very specific goal: To halt the destruction of life on earth. Our timing is just right to allow for a maximum effect. Your performance in this is a vital aspect of achieving this goal. There must be no holding back in order for us to succeed.

Rescue is the key word now. We are on a rescue mission.

Our Methods

Our teaching methods will be a bit different to suit the need of humanity today. We will use in–person teaching as much as possible with video as a backup method. Writing and web presentation will be of a more general nature. Our goal is to develop a means of transmission which will supplant the video and web presentations. The work for this has begun in earnest.

All opportunities for presentations will be very useful for this development.


We will begin positioning you into the world for our mission. This will involve some travel and some new connections.

You are ready to proceed forth as world teacher. A great host stands behind you.

Expect changes coming soon.

Receiving In The Son

Receiving in the Son is done as follows:

  1. Feel God
  2. Visualize the path toward life
  3. Feel the flow from God into life
  4. Let go.

Do this as your method of receiving from now on. It is the Sonship method.

Reclaiming Self For God

All that you have accomplished in your ascent toward the Godhead is now ready to be brought to the fore and claimed for God. Do this with feeling. This will roll your ascent experience into the God–union quest and you will be 99% there.


Recovering from the changes that happened when you stepped onto the path to Sonship will require deep letting go and recentering followed by a new ground.

Restoring God On Earth

We are ready to restore God to the earth. Ask for God to return to earth and feel to completion.

Selecting Your Service

As an ascending Son, you will select your field of service which will be posted with the Eternal Son. This will be used to schedule your activities and to coordinate with other Sons.

Your service has been selected by your destiny dictates. You will be considered a World Savior.

Target Groups

Our teaching will be set for 3 target groups:

Those who have not yet begun the awakening process.
Anyone who has been working on their spirituality.
Those who have been working with the father.

We will separate our teachings along these lines and begin working with all 3 groups.


Your teaching work is approaching and we are ready to begin laying out what we want you to teach. We have 4 workshops and one class series ready to create.

We want to set these up before you return to Florida.

Teaching The Masses

It is time to begin this sacred duty. Teaching will be about many things and will circle the globe. Humanity is eager and hungry for what we have for them. You will be our spokesman.

Your teaching career will begin very soon.

The Changeover

We are ready to make the changeover from:

Enslavement in The Father's gravity circuit
You have maxed out what can be done in this circuit — you have arrived at the goal — no more can be done in it. We are moving on and into the mental circuits of the Eternal Son coupled with the mind circuits of the Infinite Spirit.
Obedience to the dictates of ascension
The ascension path has come to completion and has been implemented for humanity. Your new focus is now on the liberation of humanity from the clutches of darkness.
Living in isolation
You have had to isolate into a deep solitude to establish the new ascension pathway. Now you are to be freed up to join with humanity — in surprising ways.

to the new condition which includes:

Complete freedom
You are to be free of all constraints. This opens the door to demonstration and the freedom to speak for spirit.
Unlimited wealth
You will have all that you need and every desire will be fulfilled.
Great peace in action
Your example will change humanity!
A new outlook on life
Everything will become magical and filled with God's light and love.

We can do this with the following:

  1. A ceremony in which all involved in the changeover are invited
  2. A short prayer to God asking for the change
  3. Deep feeling coupled with periodic letting go
  4. Rest.

The Journey

The journey is short and intense. The love of God conducts you to the goal.

Feel this love until you attain success which will be herlded by a great many in spirit.

The Plight Of Humanity

Humanity has reached the end of its chance to choose from options offered by the dark forces. These will be removed forthwith and the choice options remaining will all be about:

  1. Healing
  2. Releasing truth
  3. Finding God.

The days of humans being lost in darkness have come to an abrupt end.

What We Want

Those who are working through you want the following:

Complete absorption in the work
Let our work fill you and define everything in your reality.
An ear to spirit
Continue listening.
Go all in with what is moving and where we are going.
Continue being creative in finding ways to do what we ask of you.
Rest & relaxation
This is a must to keep you in balance.

Once you get the rhythm of this new way of being, things will get much easier.

When We Meet Again

When you make it to the second step in the journey into God, we will meet again to begin building your new home.

Your Activities

The activities that you engage in each day will bring the following things into focus:

Perception of God
This is growing slowly and much more is waiting. Activity will help it open.
Service dictates
More information about your new service.
Awareness of your Sonship
Movement will help define this in your awareness.
New life
New life is here. Moving about helps to receive it and to notice the changes.

You can keep moving now.

Your Ascension Progress

You are well on your way to the full embodiment of the Eternal Son. This is the embodiment that will begin the outreach work. It will allow a direct transmission of energies from God to those in the environment. This will bypass a lot of intermediate steps in learning how to teach. The transmission events will constitute the demonstration of God as a living reality.

This is very close by.

Your Method

Your new method in your approach to service is this:

  1. Full immersion in whatever is present — no holdout or holding back for other things
  2. Participation in life with complete abandon — saying yes to life.

This is the way to move effortlessly in the world now. Everything is flowing from within outward, no more development.

Your Schedule

We have some considerable writing to do so we want to establish a schedule which will support bringing in the work. We suggest, to start with:

New writings, new material. We will compile this as we go.
Publication preparations (web pages, articles).
Overview of writing.

We can ammend this as needed. This should be enough to get the ball rolling. All is ready.