
The percentage of the U.S population who are looking forward to the future and, thus, to the father.
Portion of the U.S. population who are struggling to stay afloat, living from day to day.
The group of people in the U.S who live in fear and want no change.
Active principle
The pole of the active–receptive duality which gives expression to energy.
Agents of change
Any personalities, powers, forces or aspects of spirit that are assigned to participate in bringing changes to the earth and its inhabitants.
See Planetary angel.
A path to the remembering of all that you are.
Ascension vehicle
The apparatus used during the ascension process consisting of:
  1. Physical body
  2. Mental sheaths
  3. Electric body
  4. Light body.
Ascending into light
The transfer to a light body built by the father.
The absorption of a physical appearance by a light body.
Astral dimension
The spirit dimension in which desire is refined, purified and brought into alignment with the desire for union with the father.
The study of reality as it appears through cycles of time.
Astrology chart
A visual depiction of the solar system at a point in time and space.
Auric field
The physical plane expression of the spirit body.
Advanced spirits who have ascended and kept a copy of their physical vehicle can use it to appear in form in any of the incarnated worlds.
Opening to the awareness of the next larger context of your being.
Buddhic dimension
The spirit dimension in which self seeks union with the Christ.
Causal dimension
The spirit dimension where cause and effect, reality creation and the mechanics of karma resolution are found.
Communication with spirit from within your spirit body.
A living energy created with:
  • life energies of the father
  • human consciousness
  • focus with intent to create
  • letting go
that circulates in the human body and:
  • powers the body and its physiology
  • heals the body
  • is the basis of communication in the immune system
  • provides for spiritual ascension.
Potential whose origin is in spirit.
The process of removing non–self energies, also called negativity, from the spirit body by letting go and feeling.
Complete absorption in God.
The finishing of all of one's work in a lifetime followed by complete absorption into the father.
A service structure in which high selves work for the father.
An unconscious activity that creates our reality. This becomes conscious during the ascension process.
Forgetting who you are.
The ultimate healing. A graduation into a higher form of incarnation.
Death process
A process triggered by the high self to initiate the change called death.
Default Learning
Life experience gained from unconscious living.
What you can create by saying yes to life.
Destiny Learning
Life experience that results from making choices aligned with your destiny.
Directed thought
The conscious use of thought to create.
Creative activity that takes place in the causal circuits of the infinite spirit.
The interplay of opposite polarities.
Earth changes
Changes triggered and controlled by spirit keepers of the earth.
The natural condition of the human mind when focused in eternity.
Electric body
An ascension vehicle built up by the fire element in the physical body.
The state of being at one with the light of reality.
Etheric dimension
The spirit dimension where access to all spirit is a reality.
Reality independent of time–space.
Etheric healing
Complete immersion of what is to be healed into The Father.
The active observing of the space in your spirit body.
Feeling/emotion ductwork
The physical apparatus through which the energies of emotion and feeling flow. It is part of the personality.
Five dimensions
The five spirit dimensions that are within the spirit body of every human. By name:
  1. astral
  2. causal
  3. buddhic
  4. manasic
  5. etheric.
An evanescent state of becoming in which limitations are eclipsed by the releasing of negativity and non–truth from self.
Galaxy center
Epicenter of change. Those who manage our evolution work here.
The original cause beyond which there is no thing. All that exists has originated from God. God continuously showers new creations into existence. We all issue forth from God. God is our source.
All that exists is in a state of perfection.
Helpers assigned to citizens. Typically a life guide and a service guide as a minimum.
The condition of divine grace within.
Forgetfulness of heaven.
A class of spirits who assist humans in their growth and service efforts.
High self
The smallest self–sustaining part of the father. High selves live in their origin and work in a corestar. Some have incarnations, potentials, as a way of knowing who they are in the father.
The harboring of negativity and the direction of it toward another by means of the will. Often focused or amplified by the mind and, especially, through the agency of a distorted devotion current.
Infinite spirit
The aspect of the trinity that deals with:
  • Information
  • Communication
  • Energetic transmission
  • Mental connections.
The art of letting go and going with the father wherever the father is taking you in spirit.
Cause and effect. Every choice has consequences in a free will world.
All humans have an innate capacity to know. Sometimes referred to as direct knowing. It is instant accessing of information which comes with rock solid certainty. No reasoning is required or even desired.
Letting go
The releasing of non–self energies from self.
Awareness of self in the field of the unconscious.
Life task
The work you were given by the father to accomplish in this life.
Light body
The first vehicle of actual spirit living. It replaces the physical body through a slow transformation of matter into light.
Light consciousness
The consciousness of one who has a light body.
Living in light
Life lived once the body has filled with the light of reality.
Manasic dimension
Spirit dimension where group mental work takes place.
Mental body
Structure of mental circuits available to those in physical form. They exist in a sheath–like formation. From inner to outer they are:
  1. High self mind circuits
  2. Unconscious mind
  3. Subconscious mind
  4. Conscious mind.
Mental ray
The basic stream of the father's energy that is used for the mental circuitry in the personality.
A cognitive interface between spirit and physical reality that allows:
  • spirit to experience physical reality
  • the personality to know spirit
  • communication with life.
Energies that are not of the self and do not pertain to the self.
New age
Another turn on the great wheel of life, a 26,000 year cycle in which life evolves in its journey toward unity in the father. What lies ahead is a deeper round of unity with all life. Discovery of thought and the father will open the way. The transition toward the entry point begins on 2014Jun02. Entry into the new age is scheduled for 2150Oct19.
Your high self made the soul that is the spirit part of you inside your body. Your high self was created in its origin, your origin. The father within you is the father of this origin.
The condition in which all of life is allowed to be as it is.
The union of planetary equipment given for each incarnation, consisting of:
  • physical body
  • mind
  • emotion/feeling ductwork.
Planetary Angel
Potential whose origin is a physical planet.
Point of friction
Anything that draws conscious attention to the personality. A signal from self that something needs attention.
Every human incarnation is a potential of its high self, the one who created it. The fondest dream of the high selves is that one potential will remember all the way back to its origin.
Helpers assigned to planetary angels. A life companion and an auxiliary helper are the norm.
The gathering up of energies as a prelude to an opening into self.
Turning away from self.
The taking into self of any energy, whole & complete, without filtering or examining it. This is a vital skill for progressing into the new age.
Receptive principle
The pole of the active–receptive duality which is open to all possibility.
Saturn return
A 29 year cycle of growth into spirit.
The technical term used to designate the soul, high self and corestar taken as a whole.
Anger directed toward self. This can be motivating and is usually destructive.
One who has deep access to the natural world, lives in truth and:
  1. Can find the cause or root of any phenomenon
  2. Can move about independent of time and space
  3. Works with spirit to affect healing.
An energetic conduit for the conversion of the father's thought toward the creation of a form expression. Humans have nine sheaths.
Looking away from self.
Vacating the body so:
  1. It can be cleansed
    1. The endocrine system is brought into stasis.
    2. The nervous system can be rebalanced.
  2. Deep connection in spirit can refresh the soul
    1. This is the basis of growth.
  3. Mental circuits can be normalized
    1. Harmony and balance are restored.
  4. Perspective in life can be restored.
    1. This alignment is crucial for successful living.
The spirit part of a human. The high self creates the soul and places it in the body just before birth.
Self unencumbered by non–self energies.
The timeless reality in which spirit is encountered.
Spirit body
The space inside the physical body which contains five spirit dimensions, self and the father. It is your access to spirit.
Spirit Personality
A spirit being who:
  • Was created by The Father, or
  • Has ascended from physical life, or
  • Exists at the pleasure of the Infinite Spirit.
Spirit Powers
Any spirit–based powers including:
  • Animal powers
  • Earth powers
  • Etheric powers
  • Elemental powers.
Spirit presence
This replaces the spirit body and its auric field once the self is released in the ascension process.
End of the line in physical ascension. Arrival into deity consciousness.
The Christ
A state of consciousness and an evolutionary signpost in humanity. Attaining this is a graduation from animal living into spiritual living.
The Deep
The term for deep spirit contact within self.
As if you open into the bottom of a deep well in which you have full access to God, The Father.
All of life appears as God in physical expression in The Deep.
You have full and complete access to this beautiful, inner reality.
The father
The father of your origin is within your spirit body, is fully conscious and will communicate with you if asked.
The father in form
An advanced stage of ascension in which the father completely fills a human personality.
The light of reality
The eternal light which exists beyond vibratory reality.
The mother
The field of all possibility. Contents are ordered by thought.
The new race
A new genetic race of beings taking human form on earth. They are known as people of the new age.
The veil of silence
The dimension in which free will has no affect.
The void
Reality creation springs from here. Beyond the manifest.
The original cause differentiated into:
  1. The Father
  2. The Son
  3. The Infinite Spirit
which then have revealed all of life.
Trinity being
A being from an origin which is composed of trinity energies.
The capability to see things through any number of vision channels. These all work through a central capacity built into the human personality.
Direct connection with the father.
Energy complexes created by the high self to awaken us to the self. Each wound veils a gift which the father will use for world service once the wound is healed.