The Mind


The mind is equipment supplied by the Infinite Spirit for the current incarnation. It can be made subject to infestation and distortion from outer sources. It can also be distorted by inner disharmony generated from past experience, false belief, imposed karma and the like. To make sure that the mind is free from these influences, it is helpful to explore the roots of anything which generates disharmony in the mind. This is easily done with feeling and the intention for authenticity of the mind.

Uprooting disharmonies, once found, may take some time and/or help. Insisting on authenticity will help to ferret out the disharmonies.


Awareness is basic spirit consciousness. It is available via all avenues of spirit contact and can be especially active in the mind or, more acurately, the mental circuits. Its chief impediment to being accurately received into the mind concerns free will and past choices which appear in the form of:

  • Beliefs
  • Subconscious limitations which determine perceptual realities
  • Current ideation.

The most direct perception of awareness is via direct knowing in which the conscious mind is focused on reception outside of the constraints of belief and current ideation. The subconscious still exerts its limitations on the reception. The next most pure reception is via feeling which can penetrate into the essence of the presented information.

Bringing The Future Home

When a future is created, found or otherwise desired to be brought into the present, it is possible with this procedure:

  1. Enter into it and feel the fullness of it
  2. Navigate to the present time and place
  3. Feel the reality of it as you deeply ground it in the present.

This technique can also be used to position futures along a time line in the past or future. This requires access to a greatly expanded time reference.

This mental creation technique is being enabled for the change of epoch work that lies ahead.

Choice And Choosing

Making choices and the act of choosing does not take place in the mind. The mind can support the process and can observe the choice once made. Choosing takes place in the discriminative faculty of the soul. The mind can discern choices if it is quiet and empty of content.

The mind observes and reports. Choices are made outside the purview of the mind.

Clarity And Luminosity

The clarity of mind is a function of alignment with self and truth. The stronger the alignment, the greater the clarity of mind.

Luminosity in the mind comes when living in The Father's truth.

Cleaning Up The Body

This is necessary in order to arrive in a condition of maximum sattva. The errant energies generated in life from overly–tamasic and misdirected rajasic activities get lodged in the mind and the mind precipitates materials and energies in the body which tend to freeze the life force and direct it in ways which are not intended or helpful. The long term accretion of these effects create a self–limiting matrix of negativity and non–truth which stifle all creative actions.

To clean out the body, let go and feel deeply in The Father until the all clear signal is given.

Clearing The Mind

To clear the mind so that it reflects spirit, ie, truth and reality, requires 3 things applied concientiously over time. These are:

All thought must be identified as either coming from spirit or coming from personality sources such as:
  • Fears
  • Wounds
  • Beliefs
  • Prejudice
  • Expectations.
The mind must be conditioned to remain in a state of calmness at all times. A roiled mind leads to trouble and disconnection.
The mind must be taught to remain in constant connection and then to be absorbed in spirit — this means that it must always be attentive, and deeply attuned to the spirit–sourced knowing, a built–in circuit.

A short and intense training will show results.

Content Construction

The construction and constitution of contents of the mind is a function of:

  1. Purpose: why you are here
  2. Intent: what you want in life, ie, your deepest desire
  3. Where you are relative to your life path
  4. Your devotion to living in truth.

As you refine your living to align with your path, your goals in living, the contents of the mind move toward a refined and cogent presentation of reality perception which will forward you into greater realization and success in living.

Finding The Root

The root source of the mind is a holographic projection found in the realm of the Infinite Spirit. Tracing this requires a deep feeling awareness. The benefit of locating this root is the capacity to erase everything which has polluted the mind and to free it up for luminous operation. The key to locating the root is deep stillness.

Once the root has been located and the mind cleared with feeling from the root, mental life and mental living will be liberated from past memories and associations.

Focusing The Mind

Mental focus is the province of the will. Will is the active attention created by aligning in The Father. A strong and unified will can be directed by desire. The intensity of focus comes from the depth of will. Connection with The Father is the key to mental focus. A weak connection brings weak focus and difficulty in concentration. Aligning with anything that is not The Father, ie, the deepest inner self, produces a weak and scattered mental focus. Penetrating and sustained focus requires deep and strong alignment in The Father.

Connection with self is the key. The deeper the connection, the stronger the mental focus.

How It Works

The mind receives energies from:

  • Spirit
  • The self
  • Dreams
  • False entities including fears and dark voices

These are translated into the current life experience and presented to conscious awareness. If they are taken as reality, reality creation is activated and the energies are made real. Rejection causes the input sources to be pushed back and discredited for future reception. It is a simple feedback loop. The mind can have a deep and lasting affect on reality creation in the experience of self.

How The Mind Projects Itself

The mind out–pictures realities. These can come from 2 sources:

  1. Information obtained from spirit sources through knowing circuits
  2. Fantasy from personality holdings.

The right use of the mind is to create based on spirit input. The created visioning brings all things into a harmonious state and forwards the completed vision into physical reality through deep alignment in feeling. Success in this requires a clear and quiet mind and a clear feeling space. The feeling brings the creation down into physical vibration. The mental picturing establishes the creation in light.

How The Mind Works

The mind receives and processes energies from three sources:

  • Infinite Spirit
  • The environment
  • Memory.

It differentiates these as inner and outer with no ability to be more specific as to the source of the energies as they are flowing. Once the energy streams run to completion, the mind can receive input from spirit dimensions about the context and source of the received input.

The mind has no frame of reference other than the body in time and space. Other dimensions and realities are different contexts in which the mind must orient and these are not translatable in or to this physical reality. Therefore, the mind can easily get confused. It has little perspective beyond:

  • Memory
  • Beliefs about reality, life and self
  • Current ideation and concepts
  • Subconscious restrictions imposed for safety.

The mind allows for communication and some limited translation of information. It is a receiving device which is limited by belief, judgement and fear.

Levels Of Mind

There are 3 levels of mind:

This is the conscious mind, thin veil over the deep which allows us to verbalize desires and communicate with others. It is useful in setting intentions and aligning with the will.
This is a repository of experience in this lifetime. It holds some memory and is responsible for providing stability in personal perception. It provides access to many things.
All of the unconscious exists in the deep mind. It provides access to all of life, spirit and the totality of existence.

Becoming conscious in each level of mind opens the door to unlimited freedom in this lifetime.

Mind is the bridge between spirit and physical realities.

Liberating The Mind

The mind is liberated when it works free and clear in the infinite spirit. The infinite spirit takes care of the mind and keeps it in top shape. The difficulty arises when the ego identifies with the mind and then seeks to use it for its own means. The mind was not designed to be appropriated by the ego and used for personal motives. Doing this brings no end of trouble. The right use of mind is to merely allow it to reflect spirit realities, unburdened by personal desires, motives and expectations — all glamour–causing states of being.

To release the mind and all attachments to it and the use of it is the way. Allowing it to work in the background is the natural state of relation to it.


The limitation of the human mind cluster around the following seeds:

Fear of living and dying without succeeding in life's goals.
False beliefs
Twisted and distorted beliefs focalize life energies in self–destructive directions. The result is self–annihilation.
The effects of self–hatred are destructive.
Non–belief in self
This completely separates self from truth.
Ever ready to test and sink the ship of self in the waters of life.

The mind is a circus venue which will host any form of human folly and delusion.

Living With The Mind

The mind has an effervescent quality of thought flows moving through it. This constant movement is mostly unconscious. Fragments can appear in conscious awareness. The flows, content and purpose for these is the exclusive domain of the infinite spirit. Allowing all of this to take place without interference is the way to live with the mind in right relation. The clear mind is attained by allowing the flows to move without any attention on them. Once this state is attained, the mind becomes quiet and begins to reflect spirit. This is the goal for illumined living.

Letting go and focusing on God opens the door for mental clarity and ease.

Mental Clarity

Clarity in the conscious mind is a fragile state. It requires:

  1. Rest
  2. A non–threatening environment
  3. A peaceful approach to life and reality
  4. A grounded sense of well–being.

Clarity allows for maximal functioning in all areas of life and living.

Mental Confusion

The mind is capable of existing in a confused state without knowing it. It carries on with whatever activities it is concerned with and has no reference to any outer, stable reality with which it can right itself. It is not equipped to maintain itself. This is the responsibility of the owner of the mind. The mind is perfectly happy functioning in a state of confusion, disorientation, distortion and loss of memory. It has no way to evaluate the veracity of input to it. Everything presented is treated the same.

The mind is unreliable for reality definition and incapable of providing any form of truth or truth recognition.

Mental Grasping

Mental grasping, as taught in Western education, causes the mind to twist into conditions which render it unusable to the self. These tortured contortions disable such useful capacities as memory, imagination and dreaming. The result is a fractured mental presence made vulnerable to outer influence and unstable for anything beyond surface trivialities in life. Once grasping is renounced and calmness becomes the normal state, healing and repatriation can proceed. Reclaiming the mind is an early step toward sanity in the Western educated mind. Non–doing is one way to approach this.

A relaxed mind allows life to move effortlessly in one's experience.

Mental Hygiene

To keep the mind clean, clear and robustly able to reflect spirit, truth and reality requires 2 things on a constant basis:

The mind must be very clear about what it is doing. Spacing out allows it to run amok and create trouble.
The mind must be cleared of all residue after each project or circumstance. This includes any residues left in the spirit body from the mental activity.
The mind must not be allowed to obsess on anything except God.
If the mind is not actively being engaged in physical reality, it should remain focused on God.

Periodic clearing of the mind can refresh everything. Do this with flushing the mental circuits with primordial light.

Mental Perception

Perceiving reality through the mind is fraught with difficulty during this age of darkness. Several key factors make this challenging:

Competition for supremacy
The constant combativeness in humans creates a whirlwind of negaivity in the mind and keeps it in survival mode.
Defensiveness undermines sovereignty and makes the mind difficult to work with.
Thought pollution is a major impediment, both through thought transference and emotional poisoning.
No clear boundaries
With unsettling energies pervading the mental space, it is extremely difficult to define the limits of the mind and its operation.
Invasion by forceful use of will clouds all mental awareness and leads to delusional perception.
The clean and crisp energies of the mental sphere are eroded and swamped by negativity.
Insubstantial anchoring
Inability to hold fast to one's essential vibration causes uncontrollable drifting in the mental sphere.
A clean and sharp imaging ability is defeated by driftless and insubstantial foundations.
The stability required for clear action and perception is made difficult by invasion of troublesome energies of negative intent.
Identity is often polluted by errant energies from others. This distorts the mental capacities.

Deep quiet is a gateway into mental stability and valid perception.

Objecting To Reality

When the mind objects to reality, ie, judges it, several things may happen:

  • New opinions are formed
  • Distaste takes over
  • Decisions are made.

All of these are limiting influences for future experiences.

The greatest freedom lies in accepting all of reality as it is.

Outlook And Attitudes

A key aspect of mental hygiene is the maintenance of a positive outlook on life and living and the nurturing of life affirming attitudes about living, philosophy. These will set the space in which the mind functions and will create the kind of energetic ground of being to:

  • Facilitate a happy life experience
  • Reduce distractions
  • Allow for maximum free flows of mental energies.

Making a habit of caring for the mind in this way can open many doors in the mental mansions of The Father.

Peace And Its Affects On The Mind

Peace is the cessation of voluntary mental activity by the will. It allows the mind to exist in a restful state and to accurately reflect spirit realities. Peace allows all of life to flow through self with the absence of grasping, defensiveness or reactions. This frees the mind and allows it to rest in its natural state of receptivity.

Peace opens the gates of perception of truth.

Peace And The Mind

The mind is most productive and at ease when it is in peace. The mind is especially attuned to triggers which set off the sympathetic nervous system. Peace relaxes this reaction to life and allows the mind to find more space in life.

When the mind is in peace:

  1. The body can rest
  2. Perception relaxes toward a balanced state
  3. New and creative energies can be recognized and received
  4. The body opens into deeper reservoirs of power.


What can be done with the human mind? It can be used to create the future. It can focalize heart energies. It can heal any malady. It can build a world in which self can live and grow.

Outside of these, it is of limited value.

Probing For Content

The mind has several ways to store and retrieve memories. Sometimes these can become overwhelmed with incoming sensory information resulting in faulty storage. Contents in memory which are not easily found can be accessed in these ways:

Poking around with the intention to find the information.
Feeling to navigate to the information.
Recreating the mental space and movement which were in evidence when the input occurred.
Asking a helper to find the data.

Probing for content becomes necessary during times of duress.

Projecting The Dream

The dream of world peace and brotherhood has been deeply set for the earth and humanity. For it to be translated into human experience will require an effort of transmission. The general procedure for transmitting dreamtime realities into human experience consists of penetration into the depths of human consciousness followed by implanting the new reality in the depths. Resonance is then used to tone human consciousness with the implant. Negative free will is eclipsed by this method of direct transmission.

The new reality will blossom forth like grass shoots arising in spring.

Purpose Of The Mind

The mind is given with the body for the following purpose: to allow conscious reception of information from inner resources which are generally in the unconscious.

The mind is for recognition, reception and conscious communion.


The question of recall is one of storage. There are differing methods of storing information for future recall:

Data is referenced by visual stimulation.
Many past life memories are stored this way.
The feeling content of experience provides a storage strategy which can be used in several ways for recall:
  1. Feeling the original experience
  2. Related feelings can access the memories
  3. Feeling resonance can access disparate experiences.
Feeling can synthesize memories for higher level learning from experience.
Deep programming is possible with this.
Memories and their ancillary energetics can be extracted or driven deeper with pain.
Memories accessed through movement and body manipulation.
Limited to body consciousness; often carried over after an incarnation ends.
Cascading recall of experiences united by unknown or hidden connections. Deep connections are revealed with this form of storage and recall.
Difficult or uncertain access of these is the general rule.
Leaves an unsettling affect when memories are accessed.

Several things can aid recall of lost or misplaced memories:

  1. Context in which the lost experiences took place
  2. The feeling of the subject of investigation.
  3. A vibratory experience of the subject of inquiry.

Repatterning The Mind

Another thing (see Finding The Root) we can do at the root of the mind is to repattern the functioning of the mind. This is done through feeling to:

  1. Release and expose the current patterning
  2. Set the new patterning in place
  3. Reset the holding structure and put things in motion.

The new patterning will begin right away.

To avoid difficulty it is recommended that all repatterning be done with the help of the Infinite Spirit and The Father.

Resonance Memory

There are different ways to construct stories for the memory function. An easy and effortless way is with resonance. Holding an intention for what is to be retrieved and feeling the resonance associated with the intention will find, draw forth and bring all that is needed into a reconstruction context. This is all done behind the scenes.

Resonance memory is useful for bringing forth memory when:

  • Time is of the essence
  • A vague idea of what is wanted exists
  • There are disparate factors involved in the domain, ie, when complicating factors may cause the data to be stored, available, in different domains.

Resonance memory can be used on the fly, that is, when doing other things.

Solace In The Mind

A peaceful mind which is calm and accurately reflects spirit is a difficult state to attain in the Western world. Necessary conditions for this are:

  1. An empty outlook on life — life is lived moment to moment
  2. Receiving all that life brings to you
  3. Allowing all of/in life to freely move through your being
  4. An eagerness to experience all that life has to offer.

Once these conditions take root and become the routine and common way of living, the mind can relax into a condition of calm, peace and receptivity without the need for defensiveness or guile.


Stability of the mind is becoming a serious issue in these times of distraction and ungroundedness. A lack of sustained focus allows the mind to drift into undesirable states of consciousness. These in turn create false mental realities which can hang around once they are identified with. This can lead to a cascade of negative affects on the mental life. With little to keep the mind focused on long term goals and practical affairs, the mind can begin building up various forms of negative thought forms which will destabilize the mind.

The negative fragments can be cleared from the mind and its allied structures with letting go, feeling and a deeper sense of sovereignty in the field of an intention to heal.

The Effect Of Resentment On The Mind

Resentment is a deceptively powerful emotion once it settles into the mind. It drifts down into the subconscious and works its affect continuously until rooted out or forgiven. The primary affect on the mind is a heightened awareness of the compensatory, or opposing force of restitution. This causes an activation of the flight/fight/freeze condition in the sympathetic nervous system which results in commotion in the endocrine system. This warps reality perception and results in clouds of delusion obscuring the mind's relation to life. Such a simple–seeming thing, lost into the subconscious can cause serious debility in the function of the mind. If resentment is fed and nursed this can lead to a condition of psychosis.

Letting go, forgiveness and living in the moment are ways to avoid this pernicious trap.

The Mind And The Unknown

The mind is quite peaceful in the unknown. It easily orients to whatever is encountered and remains at rest in the void. It does not rely on or seek outside references for its sanctity. It is universal in nature.

What the mind does not have is perspective attained through context beyond itself.

The Mind As Conduit

One of the principal purposes of the mind is to act as a conduit for spirit energies moving in from the self. It conducts these in a way of decoded and translated transmission which:

  1. Makes sense to the indwelling self
  2. Tones the personality
  3. Brings deep awareness of what is being transmitted
  4. Streamlines the translation process.

This conducting function works automatically and uses:

  1. Data banks in the mind
  2. Desire indices in the self
  3. Interest areas in the mental circuitry.

The Mind Vs. Reality

The mind is not equipped to define reality nor to navigate through it. It's primary function is to translate spirit into conscious awareness. It is more a receiver and interpretor. It cannot grasp reality or larger contexts beyond the body and its immediate surroundings. To rely on it for a gauge of reality is pure folly. It only knows what it has been exposed to and little else.

The mind must rely on spirit for reality definitions. Even contact with deepest inner truth is sketchy for the mind. Deeper aspects of the mental circuitry are equipped for this yet remain in the unconscious.

The Role Of The Mind In Duality

The mind must process and present information which it receives and the context is the determining factor for proper processing and presentation. The overriding context for the mind is duality, the dance of opposites. This provides the framework in which information can be evaluated. The nature and degree of the polarities provides a suitable backdrop for the conscious placement of the information.

Ignoring the fundamental existence of duality allows for immature, black and white thinking. The awareness of duality allows for the perception of subtlty in thought processes.

The Terrain

What is known as the mind is a complex and magical interface between spirit and physical reality. It is, in the final analysis, a structure allowing for the translation of energies into recognizable quanta of information. There are multiple inputs and many translation facilities. The governing principle is controlled by an extra–physical entity which exists as part of the Infinite Spirit, a timeless and free–form source of intelligence, wisdom and compassion.

The structure of the mind is determined by many factors, among which are:

  • Racial substrait
  • Gender
  • Constitution
  • Age

The functioning of the mind can be understood in the context informed by these and other factors.